Vyte Garriga

Is a London based actress, writer and physical theatre performer from Lithuania. She mostly works with theatre companies specialising in physical and devised theatre. Vyte is an associate artist with Flabbergast Theatre, who helped her produce and stage her first full-length play Papers Swans, supported by ACE.

As a writer, Vyte is interested in myths, Surrealism and dream logic. She is experimenting with every form of storytelling to explore whether a narrative led by a female protagonist can be understood as a human experience beyond her gender. Her play 2nd Portrait of Dorian G commissioned by Bloomsbury Festival and Macready Theatre was nominated for an Offie 2023. More information about Vyte and her work can be found on her website: vytegarriga.com


Nadav Burstien - Associate Artist


Krystian Godlewski - Associate Artist